マリオガシャット詳細 その1(英訳付き) Details of the Mario Gashat −Part 1




Hi there, I’m am planning on making my own original gashat as well. Can I get a better pictures of the inside and outside of your gashat and label the parts inside the gashat. Thank you.

… 英語ですね。こんな感じの意味でしょうか。


… うーん、マリオガシャットについては、記事内昨年末のまとめ記事でも触れたとおり、結構ギリギリのバランスで成立しているもので、その動作も不安定です。そのため、その内部を詳細に語るということは、自分の技術の未熟さをさらけ出すことに他なりません。が、せっかく国を越えて質問してくださっているので、できる限りは応えたいと思います。


1. 外側 / Outside

塗装 / Paint



This gashat was originally “Shakariki Sports Gashat.” After you break down the gashat into its parts, you should spray surfacer on them, and paint them with the color based on the game software you want to settle on.



This is the picture of my gashat after spraying surfacer on its parts and assembling them. From this point, you should break down it again, and in my case, I sprayed camel yellow color on them. The camel yellow color is based on the NES software “Super Mario Bros.”


In my case, “Shakariki Sports Gashat” was the only gashat which had already been sold when I started to create my gashat. So I took the trouble to paint it, but now there are many gashats. If you can get a gashat which has the color you want to use, you should use it. It saves your trouble for painting. 

ラベル / Label



The image data of this label  was made by Microsoft PowerPoint. You should add the title text of your game using WordArt on the package image data of your game. You should adjust the sizes of image data and title text to the original gashat’s label. After adjusting the sizes, you should print the data on a printer sheet for label using your ink-jet printer.



You should cut the black line surrounding a label of an original gashat with scissors , and put it on your label.



So, in closeup, you can find a cut line in my gasaht. You may get a more beautiful line if you cut with a cutter knife,  but it seems to be difficult, so I didn’t.



I printed texts and figures on a clear printer sheet for label, and affixed it on the back of the gashat. But, I think, if you have an ability to paint, you should paint them directly. It makes your gashat more beautiful.

クリアーパーツ / Clear Parts



Clear parts are divided into following two parts.



For one part (photo: left), you should affix a picture printed on a printer sheet for label in the same way as the labels.


For the other (photo: right), you must clear an original picture of your gashat. In my case, that was “Shakariki Sports” picture. I cleared it using a nail-polish remover, but you shouldn’t use it. As you can see, it makes clear parts whitish. It takes a lot of time to remove a picture with water-ret fine abrasive paper, but it will clear the picture more beautifully.

ケース加工 / Case Processing



At first glance, there are no modification on the exterior of my gashat. In fact, there is a hole to add a slide switch. If you don’t add it, your gashat will run out of battery soon, because an Arduino which controls your gashat always consumes a lot of current.



I’ll explain about the inside of the Mario Gashat in next article, published January 14th, 2017.